
hi bloggers were doing swimming this week so we get to choose what we work on I already did reading so this is poetry I mean writing for writing we have to make 2 poems a I wish poem and a comparison  poem there  something before but  I already blogged it I guess I can tell you we get a buddy and then we write about the poem we picked and then copy our buddy’s work and do a shape picture here is my 2 poems

Anzac poems

hi bloggers if you’ve seen any of my posts this week of last week you would know we are doing swimming  so its a  bit different aka we get to choose what subject we  work on  I chose reading   for create task 2  we have to make 3 poems the Walt is we don’t have one I will post my create task 3 in this post to cause its to small to past on its on for create task 3 we get a sheet from the teacher and then we and then it show what letters are in Morse code wait I probably  should have said create task 3 is Morse code well you know now I show you an example of what the sheet looks like

A=.– b =;’  this is not real Morse code here is create task 2   here is a photo of the sheet  

Anzac facts

hi bloggers if you’ve seen any any of my posts last week of this you probably  know its different this week but I bet you don’t so this week were doing swimming so we work in are swimming groups insted of doing it in a subject  sorry if that doesn’t make sense basically we have a task  bored with stuff to do in it anyway this is a reading post so bye if you don”t  like reading for create task 1 this week its the  same as last week  we write 5 facts we learned in our journal story the book title what its about then blog is the Walt this week is I don”t  accily know so yeah by the way create task 1 is based on our journal story here it is                                                                                  

Anzac day facts

hi bloggers if you’ve seen any of my blog’s this week you would Know that we’ve been doing swimming so its a bit different but you probably haven’t so Ill just explain it again since were doing swimming instead of doing are tasks like 1 hour for then go on to writing we get to choose what we by the writing  this week is poetry  anyway for create task 2 oh I’m blogging create task 2  forgot to say that  ok  anyway create task 2 this week is about Anzac day facts the reason why that’s create task is because this week and next we we are focusing on Anzac day and a bit of world war one for the create task we start by writing down some facts in in a Google drawing and then we put it on Canva and decorate it and then we blog it here is mine

anzac day facts by Marley Roos


Anzac day journal story

hi were doing swimming this week so its a bit different aka we have a task bored to do insted of doing it separately the journal story I picked is first word war mascots animal at war the Walt is bruh I keep on forgetting we don’t have one. for create task 1 we write down some facts and what the story is about I think it was pretty cool here it is

buddy poem

hi this week since were doing swimming its quite different like insted of doing it each session you get to choose what you do on a task bored  one reason its different we  did Friday maths even tho its not Friday by the way its Tuesday today any way back to now for poetry aka writing we are doing it with a buddies I picked Manu  basically   we watch a video and   then we pick which one we want to do a goggle drawing insted of sharing slides we rite down the other persons work sorry that some of my writing is down here I don’t Know how to fix it

Friday maths

hi for a couple weeks we have been doing something called Friday maths its basically were we get a group and work on maths problems together  this weeks were doing swimming so even tho it’s Monday we are still doing FRIDAY maths by the way its in a slideshow the teachers made not us the WALT this week is oh wait we don’t have a Walt  yay  my group was MANU  not Mano and ria  simply Manu and Ria hmm hmm its not finished so the slides weve done so far is slide 1 to 8 but we did not do 7 because the teacher gave us the answer here are the slides

Nyan cat toy

hi hello this week my create task for reading is…………………………………………………a little  silly but i wont spoil the surprise you can probably see it anyway so never mind anyway this week for create task 1 one 1 we are making    a toy like the buzzy  bee  {i think that’s how you spell it} i chose to make mine the Nyan cat or pop tart cat  your choice i Might  put my other create task’s on this so if theirs more writing you’ll know  why  back to my current create task and if you don’t  Know what it is 1 your silly 2 its a task from our teacher simple as that i made my Nyan cat with shapes and yes colours to I’ve pretty much said everything wait i didn’t say the the WALT yes something to write about the WALT this week is skim read to locate specific information and retell. well   i    have know more to write about so ………………………………….here’s my create task it’s pretty ugly but i like it  …………………………………………..

holiday mahi summery

hi its been for ever since i blogged   but any way  this weeks WALT is

skim read to locate specific information and retell

my hand writing kinda no does suck so………………………………….. i’m just gonna write my summery in my blog :]

holiday mahi  summery

Tyson always beats Api  at everything and more. when they pick asparagus Tyson has more when they wake up Tyson is ready first. Api overhears his auntie and and uncle talking and decides to  work even on there break .

when the are picking strawberry’s Tyson eats all the strawberry’s  and his tummy hurts in the end Api wins.

and then they get takeaways.