hi bloggers

this week for my journal story i picked is called the kōrero of the waka

the story is about a school that has a waka in it made by one of the parents

for create task one we have to make a copy of a thinking wheel on it we write

the title what we know what we see what we wonder what we think and i imagine

we need to write five things in each  box

but i couldn’t fit five in each box so some only have three things

WALT: summarise [in detail} in my own words

here is my create task hope you enjoy my slay queens💅



hi again for create task two

for this create task we have to write ten facts in our book

then go on flip and record five of the facts

then we edit it to our liking [i didn’t edit it because it was fine the way it was]

then blog it like i’m doing now

sorry about all the people talking in the background i recorded it inside

also i made it so you just here my voice and not see me so i hope you don’t  mind

that’s pretty much all so you can have a extra fact

that is that waka need a paddle to move

anyway that’s all here’s my create task 2 see you again for create task 3







well hi

this is create task 3

and for create task 3 we have to

drum roll please … dun.. dun.. dun… dun..

another recording exept this time were doing it on

the amazing canva!

in more detail we make a video on canva and read two pages of our journal story

i read page one and two

i forgot to do this for the last create task so

my least favourite part was the recording

and my favourite was decorating the cava

i made it have two pages but the second one dosent have anything on it

sorry about the wrong pronunciation  for some words

here is my create task 3




One thought on “waka

  1. I love your work Marley! it always hooks the readers in any type of way! you deserve a cookie😛 keep it up girly!!!!!

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