Martin Luther King, Jr   

hi bloggers

if you’ve seen my other posts this week you might be wondering why I’m posting reading when I’ve already did all my create tasks

well that’s because since I finished and its only Friday I’m gonna do my create tasks with a different person

now I’m going to be doing Martin Luther King, Jr

my hand writing has not got better so I’m still gonna write it her

well lets get started

full name:

Martin Luther King, Jr

place of birth:

united States

date of birth:

15 of January 1929

famous quote:

Out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope

famous for:

his helpfulness to the American civil rights progress

key life events:

being man of the year

being born

when he died  in 1968

major accomplishments:

standing up for racism and black people rights

that’s  all for this create task see you later





well it wasn’t that long maybe like 6 empty rows?

anyway hi again as you know I’m redoing my create tasks because I finished

if you didn’t know it’s Thursday

for this create task we  have to write 5 facts and a photo so as I said before

lets get started

fact 1/5

when he was born his name was Michael  but he later got it changed to Martin

fact 2/5

he died on April the 4th 1968

fact 3/5

he was 15 when he started collage

fact 4/5

the FBI had monitored him for years


he was put in prison 29 times


photo 1/1






hi bloggers

this post is about math for once its not a reading post

for math we have to fill out a Google doc the doc is called Bridging multiples of 10  we had done this yesterday as well but I did it wrong

insted of using the interactive whiteboard I used just plain things like = and + instead of bridging but I did almost all of  it so I’m just gonna post it ike this

the WALT  this week for math is : Bridging multiples of 10 when adding

the questions go in the hundreds

anyway here is my thing  sorry its small