
hi bloggers this is one of my first blogs this tearm because it like just started 2 day ago anyway this is an inquiry  blog post we are learning about flora and fauna flora  means plant life and fauna means animal life just saying don’t take advice of me I don’t even know what I’m doing and well making yeah so like Google it or something idk as  was saying for- wait no I already said that I’m oh what we had to do for the task we have to write  one thing we want to learn more two things we found interesting and three things we learned get the title now anyway I have know more to say so here it is also sos for the faint colours I cant change it here it Is I hope you like it


hi bloggers this week for create task 3 we have to make a six page pixton about our  journal story character I should explain the story so we have to chose a character that’s a famous new Zealander and make a Pixton about a  moment in there lives I chose Valerie  Adams well I wanted some one else  💅but I got her the 3 and 4 page I made up so I kinda only made 4 but I guess I did still make them also when I went to watch two of videos they work 👹 so like for Create task one I didn’t get to do as many facts like yay I guess anyway here is my create task