hi bloggers if you’ve seen any of my posts this week of last week you would know we are doing swimming  so its a  bit different aka we get to choose what subject we  work on  I chose reading   for create task 2  we have to make 3 poems the Walt is we don’t have one I will post my create task 3 in this post to cause its to small to past on its on for create task 3 we get a sheet from the teacher and then we and then it show what letters are in Morse code wait I probably  should have said create task 3 is Morse code well you know now I show you an example of what the sheet looks like

A=.– b =;’  this is not real Morse code here is create task 2   here is a photo of the sheet  

One thought on “Anzac poems

  1. This is one of my favourite works that you have done! I love acrostic poems, because they are so fun to explore. (I love it when other people make them, because they are always a different topic. and they are more interesting when I see it, because when I make something, I know what its gonna be! but when someone else makes it, I don’t know what its gonna look like until they are finished!

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