
hi bloggers were doing swimming this week so we get to choose what we work on I already did reading so this is poetry I mean writing for writing we have to make 2 poems a I wish poem and a comparison  poem there  something before but  I already blogged it I guess I can tell you we get a buddy and then we write about the poem we picked and then copy our buddy’s work and do a shape picture here is my 2 poems

Anzac poems

hi bloggers if you’ve seen any of my posts this week of last week you would know we are doing swimming  so its a  bit different aka we get to choose what subject we  work on  I chose reading   for create task 2  we have to make 3 poems the Walt is we don’t have one I will post my create task 3 in this post to cause its to small to past on its on for create task 3 we get a sheet from the teacher and then we and then it show what letters are in Morse code wait I probably  should have said create task 3 is Morse code well you know now I show you an example of what the sheet looks like

A=.– b =;’  this is not real Morse code here is create task 2   here is a photo of the sheet