uncle Tino

hi bloggers!

this week for my journal story i picked a journal called Uncle Tino

the other options  are

bells and butterfly, Nian, the new year monster, the green team, The polish Refuge children, Uncle Tino [ the one i picked ]  and My  tūrangawaewae

WALT: skim read to locate specific  information and retell

for create task 1 this week we have to chose our favourite character from our journal story

mine is uncle tino and here’s  why

i think hes cool because hes representing his culture also he’s helping the school with the Samoa  stuff i like at the end when he does the  fire dance and the kids are like wow uncle tino  i  didn’t know you could fire dance i think that’s pretty cool and is my favourite part of the story just to make it better at the end it has a glossary and the kids our hugging uncle tino

that’s  all see you again for create task 2




hi bloggers for create task three

for this create task we have to make a mind map and use 2 facts from all of the texts

scaffolding complementary and challenge text

here are the facts

complementary text [the name of this text is how to grow spring vegetables]

1/2 you can create a veggie garden any time of the year but spring is the best

2/2 veggie’s are best to grow in a sunny sheltered area

scaffolding text  [ the name of this text is what is culture ]

1/2  its important to have differences

2/2 its good to be different

challenge text [its called facts about Samoa]

1/2 The largest island of Samoa is Savaìi and the most populated island is Upolu. These islands are of volcanic origin.

2/2 around  sixty percent of the country is forested.

that’s  all my facts see you for create task 3





this week for create task 3  we have to make a canva video and read our 2 sentences on why the person we choose was are favourite character if you forgot mine was uncle tino which is the name of the book so hes probably the main character

anyway  for the second bit we have to record the whole create task so i read all of this

‘hi bloggers!

this week for my journal story i picked a journal called Uncle Tino

the other options  are

bells and butterfly, Nian, the new year monster, the green team, The polish Refuge children, Uncle Tino [ the one i picked ]  and My  tūrangawaewae

WALT: skim read to locate specific  information and retell

for create task 1 this week we have to chose our favourite character from our journal story

mine is uncle tino and here’s  why

i think hes cool because hes representing his culture also he’s helping the school with the Samoa  stuff i like at the end when he does the  fire dance and the kids are like wow uncle tino  i  didn’t know you could fire dance i think that’s pretty cool and is my favourite part of the story just to make it better at the end it has a glossary and the kids our hugging uncle tino

that’s  all see you again for create task 2’

like allllll of that

sorry if i said anything to fast

that’s all here’s my create task

see you again for the fast finishers








for the fast finishers this week we have to draw our favourite  character from create task 1

i really like this create task because i like drawing

i tried to draw him when he does that fire dance bit near the end

but i’m bad at drawing faces hands hair  and fire

here it is





Stand tall and breathe

Hi bloggers!

this blog post is a bit different then usual because this is a PB4L post

some people came to our school to teach us some yoga poses on Wednesdays in week 5&6 their names were Tania and Abe

i wasn’t here on week 5 because i was sick😷

but for the second week they taught us some animal poses and when we finished that we go in buddies

for this pose we put our hands and feet together and hold each over up

for the next one someone will go on the bottom and someone will go on top

at the end the ringed a bell and let us relax and think

here is a Canva  thing i made about it they’re listening to the people show them a pose


Tom Holland biography

hi bloggers!

for the past few weeks in writing we have been focusing on biography

how we did it is for the first week the whole class made a biography about Roald Dhal and the teacher would write it down in her modelling book [a modelling book if you don’t know all the senior teachers have one its like a writing online book that tells us what to do]

in the second week we got to pick a famous person

and then the teacher will give us a planning sheet to write out

early life and education

interests/hobbies and career

awards and achievements


when we write it down on paper we make a copy of the student biography slides

and write it all down in paragraphs that’s basically  all so here is my tom Holland biography

Nian the new year monster

hi bloggers

its week 7 and for week 7 we are focusing on drum roll please


the book i picked is called Nian the new year monster

the other options are   the green team the polish refugee  children  uncle Tino bells and butterfly’s and my turangawaewae the u has a macron but i couldn’t figure out how to get it

WALT: skin read to locate specific  information to  retell

for the first create task we have to pick our fav  character and write two lines of why they are your fav character  and write 5 adjectives

there are five charecters the old man [my fav] the grandmother and the grandchildren [Yen  and Jun] and the villagers

i picked the old man here is why

he is cool cause he just pops out of nowhere and the next day hes gone and he new the monsters weaknesses and came prepared like he came there on purpose to help the villagers he just be OP helping then also now the whole village knows and that monster he is not coming back unless he want to be attacked with fireworks

here are the adjectives

1 mysterious

2 smart

3 kind

4 interesting

5 brave

thats all see again for create task 2







hi this is create task 2

and for that we have to write 2 facts from each text [ scaffolding challenge complementary text]

we have a sheet but if youve seen any of my other posts you know my hand writing sucks [ also i don’t have a pencil]  so were writing it here

here are my scaffolding text facts

1/2 there are around 3 thousand and 800 cultures

2/2 just because you different doesn’t  mean you cant be friends


challenge text

1/2 each year on the lunar calendar is named after a animal

2/2 lunar calendars depend on the position  of the moon

complementary text

1/2 people celebrate the lunar moon year all over the world

2/2 people use lots of red decorations for the new year because it means happiness

that’s  all my facts see you again for create task 3





for create task three we have to make a Canva video

and record our create task one and a summary of our jounal story in 2 to 3 sentences

[i randomly deleted all of my fast finishers and create task 3 so sorry if i’m not writing that much ]

then we record it all and decorate it

i put it in 2 parts and it says which one is  which so i won’t say

sorry its a little loud in the back round

here it is

see you again for the fast finishers







this week the fast finishers is super fun for it we have to go all the way back to create task 1

and draw our favourite character

as you know mine is the old man

[as i said for the create task 3 it deleted create task 3 and the fast finishers so again sorry if i don’t write much]

and draw him!

i was gonna put a photo of what i was drawing but i won’t connect

here it is



hi bloggers

this week for my journal story i picked is called the kōrero of the waka

the story is about a school that has a waka in it made by one of the parents

for create task one we have to make a copy of a thinking wheel on it we write

the title what we know what we see what we wonder what we think and i imagine

we need to write five things in each  box

but i couldn’t fit five in each box so some only have three things

WALT: summarise [in detail} in my own words

here is my create task hope you enjoy my slay queens💅



hi again for create task two

for this create task we have to write ten facts in our book

then go on flip and record five of the facts

then we edit it to our liking [i didn’t edit it because it was fine the way it was]

then blog it like i’m doing now

sorry about all the people talking in the background i recorded it inside

also i made it so you just here my voice and not see me so i hope you don’t  mind

that’s pretty much all so you can have a extra fact

that is that waka need a paddle to move

anyway that’s all here’s my create task 2 see you again for create task 3







well hi

this is create task 3

and for create task 3 we have to

drum roll please … dun.. dun.. dun… dun..

another recording exept this time were doing it on

the amazing canva!

in more detail we make a video on canva and read two pages of our journal story

i read page one and two

i forgot to do this for the last create task so

my least favourite part was the recording

and my favourite was decorating the cava

i made it have two pages but the second one dosent have anything on it

sorry about the wrong pronunciation  for some words

here is my create task 3




not just kicking and punching

hi bloggers

this week for the book I picked not just kicking and punching

it is a ju-justu aritacle about this boy who does ju – justu

the WALT this week is: there is not one

im spelling the ju-justu wrong so sorry about that

this week for create 1 we have too make a thinking wheel where it will ask us

I think I wonder I know I see and I imagine

one thing  I like about it is that it really gets me thinking

I one thing I don’t like is that the words cant fit very well and if I make them smaller its harder to read

this week its week 5 so next week I have Friday baking

anyway here is my create task make sure too keep slaying the day away💅 

Martin Luther King, Jr   

hi bloggers

if you’ve seen my other posts this week you might be wondering why I’m posting reading when I’ve already did all my create tasks

well that’s because since I finished and its only Friday I’m gonna do my create tasks with a different person

now I’m going to be doing Martin Luther King, Jr

my hand writing has not got better so I’m still gonna write it her

well lets get started

full name:

Martin Luther King, Jr

place of birth:

united States

date of birth:

15 of January 1929

famous quote:

Out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope

famous for:

his helpfulness to the American civil rights progress

key life events:

being man of the year

being born

when he died  in 1968

major accomplishments:

standing up for racism and black people rights

that’s  all for this create task see you later





well it wasn’t that long maybe like 6 empty rows?

anyway hi again as you know I’m redoing my create tasks because I finished

if you didn’t know it’s Thursday

for this create task we  have to write 5 facts and a photo so as I said before

lets get started

fact 1/5

when he was born his name was Michael  but he later got it changed to Martin

fact 2/5

he died on April the 4th 1968

fact 3/5

he was 15 when he started collage

fact 4/5

the FBI had monitored him for years


he was put in prison 29 times


photo 1/1






hi bloggers

this post is about math for once its not a reading post

for math we have to fill out a Google doc the doc is called Bridging multiples of 10  we had done this yesterday as well but I did it wrong

insted of using the interactive whiteboard I used just plain things like = and + instead of bridging but I did almost all of  it so I’m just gonna post it ike this

the WALT  this week for math is : Bridging multiples of 10 when adding

the questions go in the hundreds

anyway here is my thing  sorry its small 

Anne frank

hi bloggers

my journal story person is Anne frank

which you can see from the title

the WALT this week is: reorganise  information to gain an understanding of the text

this week for create task one we have to fill in a sheet  about our person

also when I say create task  I when task because they changed the name

as you know my hand writing sucks so I’m writing it here again

first  full name:

Anne frank

place of birth:


date of birth:

12 of June 1929

famous quote:

whoever is happy will make others happy too

famous for:
for having a dairy of her experience of running hiding

key life events:

when she ran away with her family to go to the Netherlands

major accomplishments:

making a book



👇 you have entered create task two territory


hi again

yes i still have Anne frank for my person

and no the Walt has not changed

so I’m not writing it again just kidding

WALT: reorganise  information to gain an understanding of the text

my person is Anne frank

anyway for create task two we have to write facts and put photos

i’m  still gonna write them here

no time to waste so lets get into it

fact 1/5

she died in 1945

fact 2/5

she had a dairy which was published on 25 of June 1947 two years after she died

fact 3/5

she was in hiding for 25 months


Anne frank was 16 when she died


she had a cat called Moortje

here’s a photo of her





hi again I did already blog my create task 3 but deleted it by accident so sorry if its not that good

for create task 3 we have to make a poster about our create task one and two and use all the information

I added some stuff to mine too make it look cute so I hope you like it just comment if you want me too change it as  I’m posting this its Wednesday by the way here is my create task



create task by Marley Roos





hi again this is the fast finishers part of this post because I’m so fast 🕶

by the way its still  Wednesday when I’m posting this this create task

for the create task  we have to make a word  brainstorm I think its called. we have to use 10 words to describe our person just in case you forgot  I’m doing Anne Frank  I used words like inspiring and brave

anyway here it is hope you like it




Amelia Earhart

hi bloggers

this week for my journal story I picked Amelia Earhart as you can probably see from the title

the options this week where Amelia Earhart who i picked Thomas Edison Walt Disney martin Luther king Jr Anne frank

graham Alexander bell and that’s all the options

the WALT this week is: reocognise information to gain an understanding of the text

my first create task we have to make a  fact file file about our person

i  accidentally started with the fast finishes though so like that is that anyway that’s of topic

my hand writing like sucks so much so I’m just gonna write it here ok here we go

full name: Amelia Earhart

date of birth: July 24 1897

place of birth: united states

famous for: fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean and more

famous quote: Never do things others can do and will do, if there are things others cannot do or will not do

key life events: First woman to fly across the Atlantic ocean.  Broke women’s altitude record when she got to 14,000 feet high.

that was my create task hope you like it



huhu I bet you thought that was all no I still have my second create task for this create [also yes I’m still doing Amelia Earhart] task we have to create a brain storm about our person using the challenge text.

the instructions said some stuff  about diving deeper into our person and about how their famous and memorable I don’t really get so I might put all of what said at the bottom of my post  or this create task if I have enough time or the writing on the create ask or both  🫠

I’ma still gonna write it here tho so over to the create task

fact 1/6

she learned to love flying  at an air show

fact 2/6

she was born in atchison kansas united states’

her first plane was yellow


she made a clothing line in 1933


she has written 3 books about her experiences  flying


she became a  visiting collage professor



you have entered the dark zone of create task 3 mwhaaha this is place of no return you can only go down and you must read the rest of this post heheheh  or a tarantula  will be under ur bed

moving on for the first create task we have to put all the other create tasks [ create task one and two ] in a canvas looking back I think we were only meant to post create task 1 and 2 but I am not delete create task one and two because I already  blogged it so like you get extra work  😄 yeah here is my create task 3 canvas hope you enjoy and remember read  it all or else 👹




hello I see you did scroll down  more good but be warned you must keep going down once you’ve seen the create task scroll to the next and don’t stop you must read it all because I double dare you two mwahaha know one can resist a double anyway says cutely for create task fast finishers 1 we have to use a online word brain or something like that to describe  our person mine as you know is Amelia Earhart  well, hopefully you know because if you don’t that means you didn’t read it and that would make me sad 😭  so if you read it better you can go back up but remember come back down to be honest I should probably  go back to telling you about my create task we have to make wait know I already said that were was I oh I know describing her so we have to write 10 words in the brain thing describing Amelia Earhart and that’s all here it is













yummy cake oh  I thought you wouldn’t come down just so you know I have written 643 words so far for the third create task I’m not sure yet because I haven’t looked yet so let me check okay so for it we have to nah I haven’t checked yet still okay know for create task fast fishers two we have to oh were not blogging fast finishers were looking at other peoples blogs well then I guess that’s all bye wait one thing you know all the way back at create task three well  it when you write canva it says it wrong even with a capital it still does so to make it write you have to spell it like canvas anyway bye

I wrote 753 words in total